
Exquisite Grappa Invecchiata Valpolicella

Quality and care for the raw materials are the first and most important steps in the production of a good grappa. For this reason, healthy, fresh and vinous pomace of grapes grown in dedicated areas are stored with care to preserve all their quality. Grappa Exquisite Invecchiata Valpolicella has its origin in the pomace of autochthonous Corvina, Corvinone, Rondinella and Molinara grapes. These varieties are used to produce the original, typical and internationally famous Valpolicella wines like Ripasso and the precious Amarone, which quickly conquer even the most refined palates. Grappa is produced during three distillation phases with different temperature. The process takes place in traditional copper alembics, which allow for under vacuum distillation (greater protection of aromas), with bain-marie heating (indirect and therefore more delicate system), thus preserving the aromatic fullness and fragrance of originary grapes. Grappa is then aged for 12 months in oak barrels produced with traditional techniques: freshly cut wood is left to dry in open air for at least 24 months, thus losing water and most astringent tannins. Staves are cut and assembled before undergoing an intense toasting. During aging in these barrels, chemical and physical reactions enhance the complexity of the bouquet, giving grappa a softer taste and a typical amber color.

Color and Appearance – Amber color.

Bouquet – Elegant and refined, with an articulated bouquet resulting from the complexity of its raw material: starting from fruity aromas, it opens into honey and vanilla hints and finishes with delicate spicy notes.

Taste – Structured and rounded, it caresses the palate with a smooth sensation which perfectly combines with the intense aromas of dried fruit and noble wood, due to skillful aging in wood.